Lindeboom Chair for Ethics of Health Care

The Chair for Ethics of Care was established by the Professor G.A. Lindeboom Institute Foundation. The educational mission of this Chair involves thinking through medical-ethical and healthcare-ethical issues from a Christian perspective.

Through academic education and research, the Chair wishes to make a meaningful, Christian well-thought-through contribution to the academic development of students of theology, medicine and other care-oriented studies. The Chair also aims to help churches and Christians to deepen their views on medical-ethical issues. There is an obvious need for this with both pastors and Christian schools and organizations. To conclude, the Chair holder can also take part in the public debate.

Since 1st September 2022, Professor Stef Groenewoud holds the Lindeboom chair for Ethics of health Care. In addition to his work for the Lindeboom Institute, Groenewoud is also connected to IQ Healthcare, a scientific research department of the Radboudumc as a health scientist and ethicist. His educational mission focuses on a wide range of subjects from the practice of care and medical action. These include:

  • (Over)treatment, combined with the quality of life and the meaningfulness of old age;
  • Issues involving the beginning of life and end of life (related to the principles of right to protection of life and autonomy);
  • Meaning of life questions in Health Care and Christian Mental Health Care;
  • Current topics from the political-social debate, including the cost of care, palliative care, obesity;
  • Predictive medicine, including preventive population screening, prenatal diagnostics, and genetic research;
  • Solidarity in Health Care;
  • Ethical aspects related to health insurance and claims.

Previous Lindeboom professors were Professor Jochem Douma (1993-1997), Professor Henk Jochemsen (1998-2009) and Professor Theo Boer (2014-2019).