In the Examination Committee Regulations the independent and powerful assurance of the quality of education at the Theological University is paramount. The Examination Review Committee convenes every month. The tasks of the Committee are, among others:
- Giving study recommendations to first year Bachelor’s students
- The admission and determination of the study programme for students with a different study route.
- The treatment of requests of exemption.
- Advising the Board of Directors about the Education and Examination Regulations, which are to be prepared yearly.
- Accepting responsibility over examinations and diplomas.
- Prof. dr. J. Dekker (Chairman)
- Dr. R.T. te Velde (Administrative Secretary)
- Prof. dr. J.H.F. Schaeffer
- E.M. Zijlstra-de Vries LLM (External member)
- J.A.G. Bosman MA (alumnus, external member)
Mw. E. Blokland MSc is counselor, L.E.R. de Ruiter MA is assistant-secretary.
- Letters or requests to the Examination Review Committee are to be lodged two (2) weeks before the Committee convenes, at the latest. Letters can be mailed to
- Requests of exemption are only taken into consideration when they are lodged together with a filled in form of exemption and the advice from the teacher in question regarding the contents.
- The Examination Review Committee Regulation, the exemption form and exchange form can be found by means of Sakai (log-in required).