The Programme Committee is an advisory and representative advisory body for the Executive Board for all matters concerning education. The duties and functioning of the program committee are described in detail in the regulations of the program committee.
- Dr M.G.P. (Myriam) Klinker – de Klerck
- Drs E. (Elizabeth) Blokland – de Groot (educational coordinator)
- Drs P. (Peter) van Veen (educational coordinator)
- Drs I.D. (Ieke)Haarsma
- Dr J.M. (Hans) Burger
- K. (Kasper) de Graaf (student MA Ministry and minutes secretary)
- M. (Marijke) de Groot (student MA Ministry)
- Vacancy (student Master General)
- M. (Melanie) Spaans (student Bachelor)
- J.R.R. (Jan Rinke) Medendorp (student Bachelor and chairman)
Opleidingscommissie Theologische Universiteit
Broederweg 15
8261 GS Kampen