The TU Kampen is a participant in the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. This programme offers students who have been selected the opportunity to study abroad for a period of time at a European institution with which the TU has an agreement. The signed Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and the Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS) form the basis of these agreements between institutions. These two documents can be downloaded below.

What is special about this exchange opportunity is that the participating student continues to pay tuition fees to his home institution and is exempted from paying tuition fees to the host institution. The student receives a grant from the home institution to help cover the costs. Furthermore, the home institution must give full academic recognition for the awarded credits at the host institution.

Naturally, accompanying these special opportunities are also some obligations. For example, it must be clear in advance, in consultation with the home and host institutions, what study goals are to be achieved, and a language test is also obligatory. The rights and obligations of an Erasmus+ student are set out in the Erasmus Student Charter

Are you interested in the Erasmus programme? Contact the international office of your home institution for information on the possibilities and the grants available to you.

Students with a functional impairment who require extra facilities, can, in some cases, apply for an additional grant.

If you are interested, please contact the International Office.

Refer to our course catalogue for information about possible courses below.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.