Membership is open to everyone. Library cards can be obtained during office hours (Monday to Friday 9.00-17.00 hrs) from the Service desk of the Library. To get a library card you have to show a personal identification document and a recent proof of address.
When you are registered as a member of the Library, you have to choose your own password. Your password will be case-sensitive, and must be six characters or more, with at least one non-alphabetic character. The characters semicolon (;), colon (:), apostrophe (‘), and period (.) are not allowed.
To reset your password, click on the “Sign-in” button in the top right corner, and then “Set/reset password”.
Your username is your borrower number. This is the number on your library card.
You will receive an e-mail as soon as a book is ready to be collected at the Service desk of the Library. Requested works have to be collected within one week. Books may be collected at any time during the Library’s opening hours.
All online databases and journals can be accessed locally at the Library. Only university staff and students have access to most of the e-resources outside the Library. When prompted for user account and password, please use your borrower number.
The maximum number of borrowed items, differs per borrower type. These numbers can be found in the Loan policy under section 4.3.