Corona Measures
As a university, we believe that God takes care of us, even in the present uncertain and worrying circumstances. We pray for our students, employees and people around us. We try to look after each other in these difficult times and help each other.
On this page, we present all relevant information to keep employees and students of the Theological University of Kampen well-informed on the measures with regard to the coronavirus.
The Theological University of Kampen always follows the health recommendations of the the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the travel recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Specific information on the coronavirus and education is to be found here.
Update January 27, 2022
Dear students and staff,
Following the press conference on January 25th, we will inform you about the changes to the corona measures for the university. As of January 26th, the following measures are in force until further notice:
- Education is offered on location or online according to the regular schedule;
- If a lecturer cannot give physical education due to contamination or quarantine, the lecture will be offered digitally if possible. If a student cannot attend a physical lecture due to contamination or quarantine, please report this to the lecturer. The lecturer decides whether the lecture is given hybridly or (if possible) made available as a recording.
Face masks
- Students and staff wear a face mask if they cannot keep a distance of 1.5 meters or if they move around. If you are 1.5 meters away from each other, the mouth mask may be taken off.
- The advice is to use a disposable mouth cap (type II).
Use of space, meetings and meetings
- A maximum of 75 students per room (excluding exams and exams);
- Meetings and gatherings are held online if possible;
- For meetings and gatherings on location, the one and a half meter measure applies;
- For meetings and events to which a wider audience than just own students and staff is invited:
- Registration and pre-registration is mandatory;
- A valid corona admission ticket via a paper or digital QR code is mandatory and will be checked upon entry in combination with a valid proof of identity. This does not apply to our own students and staff. More information about the corona admission ticket, obtaining a corona admission ticket and checking it can be found here;
- A fixed seat is mandatory. Wear a face mask when travelling.
- Chapel can be held hybridly, keeping a distance of 1.5 meters.
- Social activities and occasions where catering is used are not allowed between 22:00 and 05:00.
Library and study rooms
The library and the study rooms are open, including evening hours. Reservations are not necessary. The advice is to keep a distance of 1.5 meters. If that is not possible, then wearing a mouth mask is mandatory.
Working from home
The advice is to work from home if your position, work and private situation allow it.
Basic measures
If you are in the buildings of the university, the basic measures in force apply:
- Keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other where possible.
- Wearing a face mask is mandatory when moving within the buildings. As soon as you are 1.5 meters apart, you can take off the mask. If you cannot keep a distance of 1.5 meters, the mouth mask must also be worn while sitting.
- Observe hygiene practices.
- Everyone is strongly advised to take a self-test twice a week, before travelling to university. Self-tests are freely available at the reception in the main building and at the desk in the library.
- Stay home when you have symptoms and get yourself tested.
- Adhere to the quarantine rules.
- Do not shake hands.
- Ensure regular ventilation of teaching, study and workspaces.
Update December 18, 2021
Dear Students and Staff,
To our regret and disappointment, the government is once again closing educational institutions from December 20 through January 9. As of next Monday, the following measures are in effect:
Education and research
- In principle, all students remain at home. Students who are vulnerable because of their (mental) health or who find themselves in a vulnerable situation can make this known to the study coach Elizabeth Blokland. They will be offered suitable assistance or a place to study at the university as much as possible.
- No physical educational activities take place on location. Where possible, distance learning is offered. The program director, Dr. Jaap Dekker, will send a separate mailing about education.
- Tests and exams can take place on location.
- No research activities will take place on location.
Staff, meetings and gatherings
- All employees work from home, with the exception of the reception and desk staff of the main building and library, janitorial staff, cleaning staff, staff who administer examinations and exams, and staff who are necessary for the use of the studio. Employees who are vulnerable because of their (mental) health or who find themselves in a vulnerable situation can make this known to their manager. Appropriate arrangements will be made with them.
- Employees who need to pick up materials or support equipment for their work can do so at the university. Necessary support resources for the purpose of working from home can make a request to the janitor, Hans van Gelder.
- All meetings and gatherings are held online.
- For the Christmas Celebration at the New Church on December 23, we will not be able to meet on site. The celebration will be held online, with further information to follow as necessary.
The library is open for:
- Picking up pre-booked literature and for turning books in;
- Scanning or copying exam materials and materials not on loan.
The evening opening hours are cancelled.
Basic measures
If you are in the buildings of the university, the current basic measures apply:
- Keep 1.5 meters distance from each other.
- Wearing a mouth mask is mandatory when moving around within the buildings. As soon as you are seated, this may be taken off.
- Observe the hygiene rules.
- In case of complaints, stay at home and get yourself tested.
- Observe quarantine rules. If roommates have tested positive or if you have been in close contact with a person tested positive, stay home and follow the quarantine rules. This applies even if you have been vaccinated.
- Do not shake hands.
- Everyone is asked to take a self-test twice a week before traveling to the university. Self-tests are freely available at the reception desk in the main building and at the desk in the library.
- Ensure regular ventilation of teaching, study and work areas.
On January 3, it will be announced whether January 9 teaching can again take place on site. Around that time, we will reassess the situation and send notice.
We wish all students and staff the nearness and blessing of God in your studies, work and personal situation. We look forward to meeting again in the new year and under better circumstances.
Our heartfelt greetings,
The Board of Directors,
Roel Kuiper
Pim Boven
Update November 15, 2021
Dear students and staff,
The government has tightened the measures with effect from 13 November. There is a maximum group size of 75 people (excluding exams) and the advice to work from home has been tightened. Lectures are given in the usual way, as has been explained in the e-mail of 12 November by the programme director. The buildings, library and reading rooms are also accessible during the regular opening hours for education, research and work to be carried out on site. For other (social) activities, contact is to be limited as much as possible.
As of 15 November, the following measures will apply.
Health and hygiene
- Observe the basic hygiene and health measures:
- Keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each other where possible;
- Wearing a face mask is mandatory when moving within the buildings. As soon as you sit, you can take off the mask.
- wash or disinfect hands regularly and properly at the disinfection columns in the university, at least upon entering the building and prior to use of (coffee/copy) equipment;
- sneeze and cough in your elbow;
- in case of complaints stay at home and get yourself tested;
- observe the quarantine rules. If roommates have tested positive or if you have been in close contact with a positive tested person, stay at home and follow the quarantine rules. This also applies if you have been vaccinated. If as a result, a lecturer cannot give
education physically, the lecture will be offered digitally if possible. If a student cannot attend a physical lecture due to the quarantine rules, please indicate this to the lecturer. The lecturer decides whether the lecture is given hybridly or (if possible) made available as a recording;
- Do not shake hands.
- Everyone is asked to take a self-test twice a week, before travelling to the university. Self-tests are freely available at the reception in the main building and at the desk in the library.
- Ensure regular ventilation of teaching, study and workspaces. At least between lectures – and if necessary during lectures – the doors/windows must be opened. (Don’t forget to close them again afterwards for climate sustainability reasons).
Working from home
- Work from home, unless your position or work does not allow this;
- Education/study and location-related research are exempt from this.
Use of spaces, meetings and gatherings
- Maximum 75 students per room (excluding exams);
- Keep meetings and gatherings digital, unless you really can’t;
- For meetings and events to which a wider audience than our own students and staff is invited:
- Registration and pre-registration is mandatory;
- A valid corona admission ticket via a paper or digital QR code is mandatory and will be checked upon entry in combination with a valid proof of identity. This does not apply to own students and staff. For more information about the corona admission ticket, obtaining a corona admission ticket and checking it, see the government coronavirus entry pass website;
- A fixed seat is mandatory.
- The weekly chapel celebration on Thursday is held online;
- Activities other than teaching and research are not permitted between 18:00 and 06:00.
Update 24 August 2021: Further relaxation
On August 13th, the government announced the measures relating to the reopening of physical higher education in the new academic year 2021-22. The most important change is that the standard of keeping a distance of one and a half meters within the buildings of the university no longer applies. This means that all educational activities (insofar as it is not scheduled as online education) and education-related (introduction) activities can in principle be offered in the normal way again and more people at a time can enter a room again. The abolition of the distance standard is both for students and staff.
In order to make it as safe as possible to let go of the one and a half meter distance, everyone is called upon to do a self-test twice a week after the holidays. Self-tests are available free of charge at the reception in the main building and at the desk in the library. In addition, it will again be mandatory to wear a face mask when moving through the corridors.
It is conceivable that there are also students and /or employees who find it difficult to let go of the safety measures that played an important role in the past year and a half. If you want to discuss this, you can always contact the study coach (Elizabeth Blokland), mentor, or your manager.
As of August 30th, the following measures will apply.
Health and hygiene
- Observe the basic hygiene and health measures:
- regularly and properly wash or disinfect hands at the disinfection columns in the university, at least upon entering the building and prior to the use of (coffee / copy) equipment;
- sneezing and coughing in the elbow;
- in case of complaints, stay at home, have yourself tested and in case of shortness of breath or fever also let housemates stay at home;
- observe the quarantine rules. If a lecturer is unable to give physical education as a result, the lecture will be offered digitally if possible. If a student is unable to attend a physical lecture due to the quarantine rules, please indicate this to the professor. The lecturer decides whether the lecture will be given in a hybrid form or (if possible) made available as a recording.
- Everyone is requested to take a self-test twice a week, before traveling to the university. Self-tests are freely available at the reception in the main building and at the desk in the library.
- Ensure regular ventilation of teaching, study and work spaces. At least between lectures – and if possible or necessary during lectures – the doors/windows must be opened.
Use/opening of the buildings without a distance of one and a half meters
- In the buildings of the university, the rule of keeping a distance of one and a half meters no longer applies. Outside the university buildings, the distance rule does apply.
- Follow the walking routes as indicated in the buildings.
- In the corridors /on the walking routes in the university, wearing a face mask is mandatory. As soon as you sit, the mouth mask can be taken off.
- All study, meeting and lecture halls, including the seats in the dining room, are open without a distance of one and a half meters, with a maximum number of 75 people per room. If all seats are occupied, walk to another room and prevent groups of people from standing in the corridors / on the walking routes. Incidentally, a limited part of the study places in the library remains equipped at one and a half meters for the benefit of external visitors.
- Study places no longer need to be reserved. External visitors who want to use the library facilities must make a reservation.
- The evening opening of the library will resume with effect from 1 September.
Meetings and gatherings
- In principle, there are no restrictions on meetings and gatherings on location, but if there are no urgent or logical reasons to meet physically, you will be asked to hold meetings digitally as much as possible.
- The weekly chapel celebration on Thursday is held in a hybrid form. Students and staff who are on location can attend the chapel in the auditorium – if seating is available. If it turns out that the auditorium is full, you can attend the chapel online in a room or elsewhere. We call on students and staff who work from home to also participate online in the chapel celebrations.
- For (introductory) activities with a primary social character, such as social activities of student associations, which are not related to education, the one-and-a-half-meter distance rule does apply and the usual general rules apply to catering and events.
Working from home
At the TU, we find meeting on another important. After a long period of mostly mandatory working from home, we are therefore happy that we can meet again within the university. Although it is technically possible to do work and study remotely and digitally, we would still like to ask everyone to be regularly present and visible in the university , even outside the immediate necessity of the work. At the same time, the possibility of working from home has become more or less common and has clear advantages in certain respects. In the coming period, the board wants to think about what is a good balance between working on location and working from home with employee participation and staff and which structural preconditions are needed for dual working to function properly.
Update 26 June 2021: Opening up
Dear students and employees,After a long period of restrictions, the government has announced that it will lift or relax most of the restrictive measures effective June 26. This means that – as it now appears – a long period is coming to an end, which has also had far-reaching consequences for some in the personal sphere. We wish them strength and recovery. At the same time, we are grateful for all the good that has happened in the past year and a half, for all the work that has gone on at home or in the quiet university buildings. We appreciate the effort you put into this.
- From June 26 to August 16, the following measures apply:
- If you have symptoms, stay at home and get tested. Follow the hygiene regulations.
- Depending on the number of times you come to the university, the advice is to do a self-test twice per week, before coming to the university. You can get self-testers at the reception.
- Keep 1.5 meters distance and follow the walking routes.
- Wearing a mask is no longer mandatory.
- All study, meeting and lecture rooms are open. There are no restrictions on meetings and gatherings on location, based on the one and a half meter measure. The maximum group size is determined by the number of people who fit in a room with the one and a half meter measure. For rooms without fixed seats (e.g. soos), 1 person per 5 square meters applies.
- For employees who have worked from home until now, they are allowed to work on location for a maximum of 50% of their working time.
From August 16
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has announced in a letter what the prospects are for the start of the new academic year. Subject to epidemiological developments and the vaccination rate among students, the one and a half meter measure will expire on 16 August in higher education. A final decision on this will be made on August 13. This means that all educational activities (if not scheduled as standard as online education) and education-related introduction activities can in principle be offered again in the normal way and more people can occupy a room. For (introductory) activities not related to education, the current general rules for the type of activity in question apply (with one and a half meters). If a negative decision is taken on 13 August, all educational activities will be offered again on the basis of one and a half meters (online/hybrid/through recordings where necessary).
To make letting go of the one and a half meters as safe as possible, everyone is expressly urged to do a self-test at least twice a week after the holiday. Self-tests are widely available, so if possible, take enough self-tests home with you before the holidays. We can imagine that there are also students and/or employees who find it difficult to let go of the safety measures that have played such an important role over the past year and a half. If you want to discuss this, you can always contact the study coach (Elizabeth Blokland), mentor, or your manager.
Due to the uncertainty factor for this scenario and because the release of the one and a half meter measure only applies to educational activities, the walking routes will remain intact for the time being. Listed, the following measures have been given by the government, with effect from 16 August:
- Take a self-test at least twice a week.
- Observe the basic hygiene and health measures:
- wash your hands regularly and thoroughly;
- sneezing and coughing in elbow;
- stay at home in case of complaints, have yourself tested and in case of shortness of breath or fever, let housemates stay at home;
- adhere to quarantine rules.
- Ensure good ventilation.
- Education takes place without the one and a half meter distance rule. This applies to both students and employees.
- Education-related introduction activities at the educational institution can also take place without the 1,5 meter distance rule.
- There is no maximum group size for educational activities and education-related introductory activities at the educational institution.
- For other introduction activities (outside the educational institutions or at the institution with a primarily social character, such as introductory parties, introduction camps and social activities of students (sports and study associations), the 1,5 meter distance rule does apply and the usual general rules for catering and events apply, including the applicable measures to combat the virus, also with regard to group size.
We look forward to seeing one another again after the summer, and wish for a good start of the academic year 2021-2022.
Yours sincerely,
The Board of Directors,
Pim Boven and Roel Kuiper.
Update 15 December 2020: Hard lockdown
Dear students and colleagues,
A ‘hard lockdown’ was announced by the Cabinet on Monday 14 December. This lockdown also affects education and our university. In this message, we will communicate the measures, which will apply in any case for the period from 16 December 2020 to 19 January 2021.
All activities (education, meetings) are organised online and, as appropriate, according to the existing schedule.
Exceptions to this rule are: exams, final exams and graduation presentations. Exams are taken on site, according to the existing schedule. Presentations are held online, or on location in the presence of the reviewers, but without an audience. Internships can continue as far as this fits within the corona measures of the internship. Promotions continue with the smallest possible audience on location and are organised online.
Working from home
All students and staff work from home. Exceptions to this rule are:
- Support staff necessary for the implementation of education and the opening of buildings, and staff whose work cannot take place from home.
- Vulnerable students who are unable to study or attend lectures at home. They can study on the basis of reservation in the study room of the library. Students who are eligible can contact education coordinator Elizabeth Blokland, via or by telephone at 038-4471710. She assesses whether a student is eligible for a place to study and informs the library staff. The student is responsible for reserving a study place in the library. Reservations can be made via or by telephone at 038-4471720.
- Lecturers/staff who cannot work from home, consult with the Board of Directors whether work on location is possible. This can be done by sending an e-mail to Hugo den Boer,
- Lecturers who want to give their online lectures from the TU classroom for technical reasons or because of their home situation can report to Hans van Gelder, via or by telephone at 06-13810016. Hans then takes care of the technical support on location.
- Video recordings for PEP’s educational activities and
Opening buildings
The main building on the Broederweg is open daily (only for the permitted employees/activities) and can be reached by telephone between 8:00 and 16:00. After 4 p.m., the phone is automatically switched to the library reception.
The library is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. As a result, the evening opening will be cancelled.
The library is only open for the collection of pre-requested literature and for its return. For the availability of exam literature, please contact the library staff.
Practical support
- For technical support in the use of MS Teams, please contact Dima Bintsarovskyi, via or in urgent cases by telephone at 06-19878366. If Dima is unavailable, Hugo den Boer can be contacted, via or in urgent cases by telephone at 06-21253703.
- For general/other ICT questions please contact the library via or by telephone at 038-4471720.
- If you need facilities for working from home (e.g. office chair, monitor), consult Hans van Gelder about the possibilities, via or by telephone at 06-13810016.
- Employees who have a desk phone in their office and want to forward it to their home phone/mobile can send a message to Hans van Gelder, via Hans will activate the transmission. For other cases (forwarding calls via the reception of the TU) the telephone list is activated according to the appointments from the first lockdown period.
- For more information or for other matters, please contact the secretariat, via or by telephone at 038-4471710.
Update 13 October 2020
On October 13th, the government announced new measures to combat the corona epidemic. Due to the severity of the situation, a partial ‘lockdown’ has been implemented. The signal that this sends out to us as a university community is to all take our responsibility and comply with the measures that are in place.
For institutes of higher education, nothing has changed with the new measures. Lectures can continue in the usual way.
The applicable measures remain in force for working at the university. We would, however, like to emphasize that you only come to university if it is necessary to do your job.
New in the measures is the introduction of mandated masking in universities. The Board of Directors has decided that from Thursday, October 15th, everyone is obliged to wear a face mask in the buildings of the TU. The face mask may be removed when you are seated in a lecture hall, study room, office or library. A face mask is not required outside the buildings.
Remember to bring a face mask when you come to university.
The most important measures in brief:
- Do you or someone in your immediate vicinity have symptoms or have you been in contact with someone who is infected: follow the guidelines of the GGD and RIVM and stay at home.
- Only come to the TU if this is necessary or if you have / must give a physical lecture.
- Wear a face mask when entering the buildings and do not remove it until you are seated or when you leave the buildings.
- Disinfect your hands when entering the buildings and when using equipment, clean your workplace before sitting down.
- Always keep a distance of 1.5 meters.
- Follow the walking routes. Even when no one seems to be around.
- Stay in the classrooms as much as possible. Avoid grouping.
- Meetings are only held digitally.
In this way we take responsibility for one another and for broader society and hope to keep the TU healthy and open. We would like to wish everyone the best of luck in the coming period and blessings on the work we are allowed to do despite the circumstances.
Update 15 July 2020
Starting in September, the University will resume its activities in a manner called “blended learning”, that is that lectures will sometimes be given online and sometimes will be given on location.
The tenor of the measures is to avoid social contact as much as possible and making sure there are never too many people in our buildings at once. The following measures will apply:
- The applicable hygiene and health measures of RIVM remain in force and are facilitated:
- If you have a cold of if you have (mild) cold or flu symptoms: stay at home. In that case, access to the buildings is not permitted;
- Do you or someone in your immediate environment have frail health: stay at home and consult with your manager or teacher.
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or clean them with the available disinfection columns;
- Cough and sneeze in the inside of your elbow;
- Use paper towels and handkerchiefs.
- Work / study at home if possible. Only come to university if necessary and do not stay longer than necessary.
- In all cases, keep at least a meter and a half of distance. This also applies in public to people who share one living space.
- We are jointly responsible for following the rules so that physical education is possible again; where necessary, talk to each other about your behavior. The rules are enforced. People who break the rules are denied access to the buildings.
Our most important measures in a nutshell:
- Pay extra attention to personal hygiene: wash your hands well and do not shake hands.
- Stay inside as much as possible
- If symptoms of a cold get worse, phone your general practitioner or the local GGD
- Are you intending to go abroad and travel:
- report this to the International Office of the university
- first check the travel recommendations by the government. If your destination regards an area with code yellow then journeys will only proceed after permission. Journeys to areas with code orange and red may not proceed.