Every six years the quality of the research conducted at the Theological University of Kampen and its relevance to society is assessed in accordance with the Standard Evaluation Protocol (SEP 2015-2021), published under the authority of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
The six-year research visit took place in November 2018, during which the joint research by TUA and TU Kampen was assessed. Please refer to the documents below for the report that has been published as a result of this assessment and the reflection of the Universities on the assessment.
The assessment committee was chaired by Mathijs Lamberigts and consisting of the following members: Michael Beintker, Martien E. Brinkman, and Georg Fischer SJ.
The committee was assisted by the secretary, Joseph Grabau.