This project aims to promote academic research on all aspects of Reformation Musical History and Theology.
No synthetic and theoretical study of the Reformation musical history and theology has so far been undertaken despite its acknowledged need. As well as filling a specific lacuna, this research project seeks to identify the historical and theological foundations of the Reformation, musical practices and their significance for education, ethics, and liturgy today. The objectives of this project are:
This project has the following foci:
Title of Research Project
Reformation Musical History and Theology
Name of Organizing Institution
Theological University Kampen and European Melanchthon-Academy Bretten
In the framework of: RefoRC
Project Leader
Dr. Hyun-Ah Kim
Duration of the Project
International Conference
The First International Conference on Reformation Musical History and Theology will be held in Enschede, The Netherlands, 25-27 November 2020: The Reformed Theology and Spirituality of Music. See