The Supervisory Board is charged with the supervision of the proceedings and the wielding of powers by and in the name of the Board of Directors.
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The Board of Governors assists the Supervisory Board with regards to the supervision of the Reformed character and the academic level of education, research and knowledge exchange.
The Board of Governors cosists of ds. P. (Pieter) van den Berg, ds. B.C. (Bas) Buitendijk, prof. dr. C.G. Kruse, dr. P. (Pieter) Boonstra, prof. dr. B.P. (Bernard) Veldkamp, and dr. G. (Geert) van Dijk (adviseur NGP)
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The members of the Supervisory Board and the Board of Governors are appointed by the General Synod of the Reformed churches (lib.).
Papers for the Supervisory Board or the Board of Governors are to be directed to the address of the university.