Next to your study, there are ample possibilities for enjoying social life, culture and nature.

  • Kampen is a small, surveyable city with a rich, historical city centre and a long history going back to the Middle Ages. There is much to see and discover in Kampen! Larger cities such as Zwolle and Amsterdam are within quick and easy reach by means of public transport
  • There are many recreational and cultural facilities (shops, restaurants, theatre, cinema, swimming pool, museums, concerts, children’s farm, fitness centres)
  • Possibilities for walking and cycling in the area
  • Various music associations and sports clubs
  • For information about the Netherlands and the Dutch, see, for example, here.
  • Local, welcoming churches and international church services
  • University choir with weekly rehearsals
  • Common meals with other students
The City of Kampen seen from opposite the river IJssel