Timmerman , D. (Daniël)

Docent kerkgeschiedenis en kerkrecht/ postdoctoraal onderzoeker en secretaris vakgroep CDRS
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“Heinrich Bullinger on Islam: Theory and Practice.” In Unio cum Christo. International Journal of Reformed Theology and Life 3:2 (2017), 119–35.

Heinrich Bullinger on Prophecy and the Prophetic Office (1523–1538). Reformed Historical Theology,33. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015.

“Aan de christelijke edelen van de Duitse natie, over het herstel van de christelijke stand (1520).” Translation of Luther’s An den christlichen Adel deutscher Nation. In Luther Verzameld, vol. 1. Ed. Herman J. Selderhuis. Utrecht: Kok, 2016, 211–300.

Bullinger en de spiritualiteit van de predikant. In Godsvrucht in geschiedenis. FS. Prof. Dr. Frank van der Pol. Eds. Erik A. de Boer and Harm J. Boiten. Heerenveen: Groen, 2015, 208–20.

“The myth of the reformed pastor? Continuity and change in Heinrich Bullinger’s use of 1 Corinthians 14.” In The Myth of the Reformation.Refo500 Academic Studies 9. Ed. Peter Opitz.Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2013, 190–210.

“Bucers Verständnis von Schrift und Schriftauslegung. Ein Vergleich mit Heinrich Bullinger.” In Bucer zwischen den Reichstagen von Augsburg (1530) und Regensburg (1532). Beiträge zu einer Geographie, Theologie und Prosopographie der Reformation. Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation 55. Ed. Wolfgang Simon. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010, 83–97.

“‘The world always perishes, the church will last forever.’ Church and eschatology in Bullinger´s Sermons on the book of Daniel (1565).” In Zwingliana 36 (2009): 85–101.

“Martin Bucer as Interpreter of the Old Testament. A Re-examination of Previous Scholarship in Light of Bucer’s Enarrationes in librum Iudicum (ca. 1540).” In Reformation and Renaissance Review 9.1 (2007) [2009]: 27–


Functions and Areas of Interest
Universitair docent kerkgeschiedenis

Postdoctoraal onderzoeker en secretaris vakgroep CDRS

Lecturer in Church History

Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Secretary CDRS research group

History of Theology, History of Spirituality

Swiss Reformation History, History and Polity of Reformed Churches in the Netherlands


Lecturer in Church History

Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Secretary CDRS research group


Postdoctoral researcher at Institut für Schweizerische Reformationsgeschichte


PhD Apeldoorn University of Theology


Lecturer in Recent Dutch Church History at Nederlands Gereformeerde Predikantenopleiding, Apeldoorn


Junior research fellow (aio) Apeldoorn University of Theology


Minister in the Nederlands Gereformeerde Kerken


MA Apeldoorn University of Theology


Pastoral worker in the Nederlands Gereformeerde Kerken