Protocol 1,5 meter organisation TU Kampen
20 May 2020
Protocol 1,5 meter organisation TU Kampen
May 20th, 2020
Effective Date: June 1st
- General principles
TU Kampen follows the guidelines set by OCW / VSNU on the basis of government policy. On May 20th, a new guideline was adopted with regard to the educational activities that may be offered on location. We also outline some expectations for the longer term. For the expected restart of activities on location, preparations have been made in the buildings, in terms of the organization of education and working in the TU. The following principles apply for this:
- The current hygiene and health measures of the RIVM remain in force and are facilitated:
- If you have a cold, or have (mild) cold or flu symptoms: stay at home. Access to the buildings is then not permitted;
- Do you or someone in your immediate environment have vulnerable health: stay at home and consult with your supervisor or teacher.
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or clean them with the available disinfection columns;
- Cough and sneeze inside your elbow;
- Use paper towels and handkerchiefs.
- Work / study at home if possible. Only come to university if necessary and do not stay longer than necessary.
- In all cases, keep at least a meter and a half of distance.
- We are jointly responsible for keeping to the agreements so that physical education is possible again; where necessary, talk to each other about behavior. The rules are enforced. People who break the rules are denied access to the buildings.
- Dates
Subject to government guidelines, we expect to be able to restart the following activities on the following dates:
1 June
- If necessary, employees can work in the office.
- Students can use the study halls following additional instructions
15 June
- Exams, graduation papers, external internship activities (in consultation with internship address) on location within a certain time slot;
- Small-scale meetings / staff meetings (if necessary and insofar as the – availability of – spaces permits). Up to 10 people.
31 August:
- Opening of the academic year in the presence of staff (subject to change)
- General organizational measures
Use of buildings and spaces
Broederweg 15-19
- In the entire building (where possible), one-way traffic applies because the corridors and the stairwell do not allow for two-way traffic. The walking direction is indicated with arrows and signs.
- Only the main entrance to the university is used as an entrance. All other entrance doors are exits. The routes and exits are indicated in the buildings and premises. Four routes are possible from the main entrance::
- Keep left to go to the coffee / recreation room, or to the Senate Chamber. You leave these rooms via the exit at the Senate Chamber;
- Straight on to go to the aula or room 5. You leave the auditorium (aula) via the emergency exit at the rear. You leave room 5 through the side door.
- Turn right to go to the toilets.
- Up the stairs to go to the offices and premises in Broederweg 15 or 19. You leave Broederweg 15 via the stairwell in Broederweg 19, through the exit at room 8. You leave the rooms in Broederweg 15 via the emergency exit that is present in each room, via the fire escape.
- Stairwells:
Broederweg 19: Only the top stairs to the AIO attic are used in two directions by those who work there.
Inside Broederweg 15, the stairs are only used in two directions by the employees who have offices on the first or second floor. Since the stairs can only be used by 1 person at a time, mirrors hang to check whether oncoming traffic is approaching. In all other cases and for all other persons, only one-way traffic is permitted according to the indicated routes.
- The maximum number of persons allowed per room is indicated in each room. ruimte is het maximum aantal personen aangegeven dat in de ruimte is toegestaan. This maximum also applies to short-term consultations.
- The rule for offices is that there is a maximum of 1 employee per office. Arrange by mutual agreement who works at the office on which day and who works at home. If it is necessary that people who normally work in the same office also work at the same time at the TU, then consult Hans van Gelder whether an alternative workplace is available on those working days.
- At various offices it has been indicated that a maximum of 2 persons are allowed. This still means that there is a maximum of 1 employee, but that there is room for consultation with a second person.
- Offices where it is allowed to work with 2 people, will be communicated to employees individually.
- The reading room (room 1) can be used by a maximum of 8 people. Use is only possible after reservation (see below for instruction). Studying in the corridors / alternative seating in the buildings is not permitted.
- There are no coat hooks available. Take your jacket to the office/lecture.
Break, coffee and eating room
- The eating room can accommodate a very limited number of people. This means that breaks and coffee drinks will have to take place mostly outside and at the office / in the lecture hall. Also take the meter and a half into account. Avoid grouping.
- To avoid congestion and heavy traffic in the hallways: leave the room after coffee / tea and return to your workplace.
Bicycle shed Broederweg
- The bicycle shed can be used to store bicycles. Then enter the building through the main entrance.
- The table tennis table must not be used.
- The offices in the Linneweversgilde are accessible to staff.
- Pay attention to oncoming traffic in the stairwell: wait until the stairs can be used freely.
- The maximum number of persons allowed is indicated at the offices.
- The study rooms in the Linneweversgilde are only accessible on request to a limited number of people. Access only with the permission of the library staff. Requests can be sent to
- The library is only open for collection of requested materials, for copying, and for a maximum of 10 study places based on reservation (see below for instruction).
- The evening opening of the library is suspended until September 1st.
Study rooms
Study rooms are only accessible after reservation, in order to prevent students or externals from traveling to Kampen, only to find out there is no room left. You can make a reservation in the following way:
Reservation for study spot in room 1 (Broederweg 15)
- There is room for a maximum of 8 students;
- Subsequently, a maximum of 1 half day can be reserved, a maximum of 2 half days per week. (If after a while there is little interest, this can be extended). In the morning from 9am to 12.30pm. In the afternoon from 1 pm to 5 pm.
- If you are not present 30 minutes after the start of your reservation, the reservation will be canceled.
- When leaving: clean the used work surfaces, keyboard and mouse and leave the reading room via the emergency exit.
- Reserve by phone via the reception: 038-4471710
Reservation for study spot in library
- There is room for up to 10 people.
- Subsequently, a maximum of 1 half day can be reserved, a maximum of 2 half days per week. (If after a while there is little interest, this can be extended). In the morning from 9am to 12.30pm. In the afternoon from 1 pm to 5 pm.
- If you are not present 30 minutes after the start of your reservation, the reservation will be canceled.
- When leaving: clean the used work surfaces, keyboard and mouse and leave the buildings.
- Reserve by e-mail, via
- Only come to the TU after confirmation of reservation.
Hygiene measures
- When entering buildings it is mandatory to disinfect hands;
- Disinfect hands before using copiers and coffee machines;
- Everyone is expected to contribute to maintaining hygiene in the buildings. After using the lecture hall / office, everyone disinfects their own used work surfaces (desks, tables, chairs, keyboards, mice, etc.). Do not operate touch screens (from smartboards, for example) with your hands, but with the corresponding pen. Clean pen after use. Cleaning wipes are provided for cleaning work surfaces.
- Touch surfaces are cleaned regularly.
- All toilets are accessible, except those on the ground floor in Broederweg 19.
- The men’s toilet block on the ground floor in Broederweg 15 is only accessible for 1 person. There is a lock on the entrance door instead of the toilets themselves so that it is visible whether the toilet is occupied.
- The disabled toilet in Broederweg 15 is also reserved as a powder room.
- The toilets are cleaned regularly during the day.
- Rows for the toilets in Broederweg 15 easily cause congestion at the entrance to the building. If there are already people in line and you have to go upstairs anyway, walk to a toilet on the first floor.
- Educational activities take precedence in the use of space and reservation of spaces.
- Instructions and timetables of classes are communicated through the education department.
- Limit walking through the buildings as much as possible.
- Students and teachers are responsible for cleaning used work surfaces at the end of lectures.
- Leave the buildings immediately after lectures via the indicated routes.
- From September 1, promotions can take place in a small context.
- Until 1 September, research-related meetings (research groups, congresses, etc.) will only take place online. It will be determined around 1 September whether and when research meetings will be possible again.
Knowledge exchange
- Knowledge exchange activities will only take place online until at least 1 September.
Travel / international exchange
- Exit and entry to and from abroad is prohibited until further notice. Foreign trips are allowed again as soon as Foreign Affairs countries have received the code green.
- Exchange projects and activities can only be organized online until further notice.
Meetings / Gatherings
- In principle, meetings and gatherings will take place online until 1 September. For necessary meetings, only the Senate Chamber (max. 6 people) and the Aula (max. 11 people in meeting configuration, max. 18 people in row configuration) are available, unless they are used for educational purposes.
- For the time being, the weekly chapel celebration only takes place online.
Introduction new students
- The introduction for new students will be organized in an alternative way.
- The Rector and FQI will discuss the introduction for new FQI members. The Soos in any case is closed until August 15th and afterwards accessible for max. 6 people.
Alarm- and fire alarms
In the event of an alarm or a fire alarm, the measures regarding one-way traffic and the number of people in a room do not apply. In that case, follow the regular routes and directions, and leave the buildings as soon as possible.